Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Dr Dolittle takes on the education department!!!

What a day?

  In Israel, when you have a child with special needs before he is accepted to a school which  the government agrees to pay  you have to have a Vaad hasama (not quite sure what the english translation is ) but it a committee  meeting of 5 people (all working for the education dep or government)
  Now  they prefer that a child with PDD goes to a special school that deals only with autistic children, or children on the spectrum. I don't agree with this. I believe that because the boys are both high function integration is the best thing for them.  We have seen such amazing progress with Moshie and David Aaron is also thriving in this type of environment.  So I wanted them to go to a school where they would get all their therapies that they need as well as being exposed to regular children.  Just so you should know these committees are very intimidating. Little me against all these psychologists and ministry of education people, but i know that i am the only advocate for my child, and with the help and guidance from his school and therapists we know (we pray) what will be best for him. So this morning i donned my lawyer garb and presented our case. Let me add this was all done in hebrew!!!!  well thank G-d we won and next year he will be off to one amazing school!!!   .

Not sure if you know but i was asked by the school to do animal therapy with a few children one on one once a week (since we have a few animals at home)  I am using the DIR method (floortime) which i have been doing with moshie for almost 5 years now and David Aaron for 2. Iit is a incredible therapy that allows you to enter into the childs world, in a very non threatening or intimidating way. As the name suggests , you get down on the floor and play with the child but really it is a whole lot more then playing, you meet the child where they are and build upon their strengths and abilities through interacting and creating a warm safe relationship. you can then challenge them to go further and develop who they are rather then what their diagnosis says. so am trying to incorporate this with  animals which are just theraputic on their own.

why all this long blab the bottom line is i ordered (if you can call it that) A HAND REARED Parakeet, which i picked up today she (i think) is beautiful, yellows blues and greens,the kids decided to call her candy since we have a chocolate a sugar and wiggles candy seems to fit the theme. So a bird has joined our family of 6 people 8 fish one rabbit and two hamsters. My kids are thrilled as you can imagine> Shaindel Bracha has decided that she is going to teach it how to speak because as she said she is very good at speaking. I told the boys that they have to be very gentle with her as she is a baby and doesn't know them yet a little while later i heard the introducing themselves to the bird telling it how old they are etc it was really cute.

Well i guess she knows them now!!!!